Chairperson: Kathy Donnelly
Fr. Barry Matthews Adm, Fr Emmanuel Fasakin MSP, Fr David Nugent, Fr James Adawai SMMM, Deacon Paul Mallon, Deacon Eunan McCreesh, Deacon Giacomo Taffi, Paul Parks, Marie McGorman, Geraldine Turley, Colette Brannigan, Oonagh Gannon, Ronan Woods, Bernie Jordan and Fiona Lennon.
St Patrick’s Cathedral Pastoral Area comprises of four areas – Armagh; Keady, Derrynoose & Madden; Killcluney (Ballymacnab, Clady & Granemore); Middletown (Tynan).
Chairperson: Rev. Fr Barry Matthews, Adm.
Gerry Gribbon, Jack O’Hare, Brendan Daly, Frank Mallon, Mr Bernard McAleenan and Mr Kieran Grimley.
Hostel & parish visitation
“Gift of Hope”
19a Cathedral Road, Armagh BT61 7QX
T: 3752 8810 (Hostel) / 3752 8654 (Convent)
Membership of Educational Boards of management, Pastoral Work, Spiritual Direction, St Vincent de Paul, Associates of the congregation, Apostolic Work., Outreach to Africa, Prayer, Administrative service within the international religious communities of the Religious of the Sacred Heart.
6 Convent Road
Armagh BT60 4BJ
T 3752 2046
Are you experiencing difficulties in your relationship? Is your marriage going through a bad patch? Accord marriage and relationship counselling offers you the opportunity to meet a professional counsellor who knows how to listen to you; understands your pain, loss and disillusionment; helps you clarify things and explore new possibilities; helps you plan for a different future and find strength to face that future. Telephone for further information or to make an appointment.
Apostolic Work is a Voluntary Organisation made up of people who work in different ways to provide help for those who suffer and are deprived. It began in Belfast in 1923 to help missionaries in their work of Evangelization by supplying them with Vestments, Sacred Vessels etc. and with material and financial help to carry out their work of spreading the Gospel. It later spread to the Archdiocese of Armagh under the leadership of the late Margaret Colgan who started branches in approx. 30 Parishes.
Today the Apostolic Work continues to receive and respond to numerous appeals from such Missionaries whose work is still so necessary today. Dedicated members knit and sew and make Vestments etc. as well as garments, which can be used to fundraise. This money goes directly to where it is most needed for Churches, Clinics, Food, Water, Medicines, Street Children and those in great need. The centre is based at 13 College Street, Armagh, where all materials and finances are dispatched.
For further details about Armagh Apostolic Workers contact:
13 College Street, ARMAGH Tel 028 37522781
Youth, cultural, education and training. Social education, badgework, competitions and personal attainment. Incorporates Beavers, Cubs, Ventures & Rovers Scouts.
Mr. Danny Hagan
T 0756834987
Fund-raising, liturgical work and community development. Group meets on the second Thursday of each month. Grand knight: Mr. Gabriel McGuigan.
This group provides ambulance services within the community on a voluntary basis. Courses on first-aid and home nursing are run for the public. A youth Cadet Corps is also run for 16-year-olds to enable them to be trained in first aid and nursing.
For more information contact: / 07731 961804
Spiritual group. Promotion of temperance.
Mrs Stella Mallon
T 3889 1002
Mr Brian Corr
T: 3752 4853
Pastoral. Praying for vocations and financial support for the education of priests. Meetings on the first Wednesday of each month in St Vincent de Paul Centre, Ogle St after the 7.30pm Mass in St Malachy’s. All welcome. For further information, contact Fr Emmanuel Fasakin MSP.
This group gives financial and practical support to the less well-off in the community. They also visit the sick in hospital and take family groups for short breaks. Meet every Tuesday in Malachy’s Centre. Requests for help by letter or helpline number.
President: Siobhan Devlin
Malachy’s Centre
19 – 21 Ogle Street
Conference T: 3751 0705
Vincent’s Shop T: 02837788040
Helpline T: 07733482604
All welcome to our prayer group for prayer, praise, song and reflection and a cup of tea! Our group also holds Life in the Spirit Seminars annually. Meet on Wednesday’s at 8pm in the Synod Hall, St Patrick’s Cathedral.
The group meets at 6.15pm every Tuesday in the St Vincent de Paul Centre, Chapel Lane, Armagh.
“The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of it’s members developed by prayer and active cooperation in Mary and the Church’s work”
“With Mary for Jesus” sums up the spirituality of the Legion. With this in mind the members have a commitment to a weekly meeting, and about 2 hours of a pastoral nature within the parish each week. The work usually involves visiting of some sort, whether in Care Homes, housebound people, or promoting any apostolic activity in the parish. In short the Legion of Mary offers the opportunity of a full involvement in the life of the church at parish level with a complete dependence on Mary Mother of the Church.
The Junior Legion is an organisation for the spiritual development of persons under 18 years of age. Primarily, the purpose is to train and spiritualize the young members. The Junior Legion of Mary Praesidia can be found throughout the entire world. Each member must do at least one hour of work each week. This work is assigned at the weekly meeting which all members must attend. Junior Legion Praesidia have been found to be valuable in the work that they do in parishes.
In crucial years when formation is so essential, the Junior Legion develops confidence and spiritual and mental growth of the personality.
The Junior Legion of Mary Comfort of the Afflicted Praesidium was started by the Spiritual
Director Fr Emmanuel Fasakin MSP on 12th September 2022. Here, the children come together to reflect on the word of God, to make new friends, learn to pray the rosary, also to learn and be trained in values for life. It helps them acquire more knowledge and confidence and also to enhance their talents. Children come forward to participate in different church activities thus making them bold and courageous.
The meetings for the Armagh Junior Legion of Mary are held every Monday in the Saint Vincent De Paul Centre, 1-5 Chapel Lane from 6 – 7pm. If your child would like to join please contact the Parish Office at for more information.
What is RCIA?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process to enter the Roman Catholic Church. It can mean different things to different people.
For people who haven’t been baptised, RCIA is the process leading to baptism and initiation into the Body of Christ and the Catholic Church.
For Christians baptised into other denominations, RCIA is the process to be brought into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church (which includes receiving the Eucharist).
For baptised Catholics who either didn’t receive the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation as part of the typical childhood religious preparation, RCIA is the process to complete the sacraments.
For Catholics who have been away from the Church, RCIA can help to brush up on ones faith and become more part of the Christian community.
RCIA is for adults and children of the age of reason, typically eight years of age and older.
Where do we meet?
The Armagh RCIA group meets every Tuesday at 7.30pm in St Catherine’s College. Each meeting lasts about one hour. The group is always happy to welcome new members. If you feel that God is calling you in some way to come to know and love him better, COME AND JOIN!
The group meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7.30pm in St Malachy’s Church. All welcome.
Nuala Somers
T: 3754 8382
Traditional music classes, sessions, concerts, competitions, scholarships and other activities. Vocal for age 4 plus and instrumental for age 7 plus.
Armagh Pipers Club
Áras na bPíobairí
43 Scotch Street
Armagh BT61 7DF
tel. (028) 3752 8188 or 07712 809933
Ecclesiastical, secular and Irish history. Patricology, Gaelic literature and manuscripts. Many other aspects of local history. Regular lectures and talks. For more details:
Health support. Meetings: Monday, Wednesday & Saturday at 12:30pm. Friday’s at 7:30pm. Sunday’s at 10:30am. More info:
Pensioners’ Rooms
Railway Street
T: 3752 8643
Advice / welfare rights. Armagh Citizens’ Advice Bureau offers a free, confidential and impartial service of advice and information to the local community. It operates on a part-time basis for 16 hours per week.
9 McCrum’s Court
Armagh BT61 7RS
T: 3752 4041
Community based savings and loans institution.
3 Russell Street, Armagh BT61 9AA
Tel: (028) 37-523681
A Child Contact Centre is a meeting place where children of separated families can enjoy contact with one (or both) parents, and sometimes other family members in a comfortable and safe environment.
Pauline Muldoon ( Coordinator) or Emma Smith (Office Administrator)
Office No 028 37 526045
Mobile No 07914 959 377
If no one is available to answer your call please leave a message and someone will get back to you a soon as possible.
Social Meetings are held each month in Cathedral Road Recreation Centre, Sherry’s Field, Armagh. Details advertised in the bulletin each month.
Tel. 028 3753 7595
Armagh Traveller Support Group
16 Russell Street
BT61 9AA
Lifeline is the Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair. Regardless of your age or where you live in Northern Ireland, if you are or someone you know is in distress or despair, Lifeline is here to help. Lifeline offers the right support, at the right time, anytime. People living in Northern Ireland can call Lifeline on 0808 808 8000. People with hearing difficulties can contact the Lifeline Textphone service on 18001 0808 808 8000. Calls to Lifeline are free to people living in Northern Ireland who are calling from UK landlines and mobiles.
Cross-community group which provides riding for any disabled person who may benefit in his/her physical or mental well-being.
T: 07739 657152
Community group based in Mullacreevie Park working with youth 11 – 25 years. Working in personal development and offers courses for this age group. Weekly drop-in centre in 19a Mullacreevie Park T: 3751 1611
The Sisters of Mercy, at “Bethany”, House of Prayer, welcome any person who may wish to request prayer, especially during these difficult times. One of the sisters will be happy to listen and pray with you. All requests are confidential. “Bethany” House of Prayer, 34 Point Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth Tel 00353429331602. 9am – 9pm daily